Monday, January 11, 2010

Why "Old Paths"?

I am proud of my Baptist heritage. I'm happy about the fact that as a baptist I am not a protestant, we did not come out of the Catholic church. I'm proud that our history can be traced from the ten primitive persecutions of the second and third centuries. From the times of Constantine in the fourth century, and all thru the dark ages. During the times of the great awakening when men like Wycliffe, Huss, and Knox, were coming out in opposition to the Catholic church. The true churches were singing and preaching the praises of God, often times giving their lives for their beliefs. Though these churches were known by many different names, Montanists, Waldenses, anabaptist, they were baptistic in their policies and doctrine.

I'm proud of the roll that baptist played in the establishment of America. From Shubal Stearns and the Sandy Creek Baptist Church establishing the bible belt throughout the south, to John Leland and the Baptist of Virgina playing a vital roll in the establishment of our Constitution. I'm proud of my Baptist heritage.

But I'm sad at what many Baptist have become. In these days of contemporary music, and the ecumenical movement, we have lost the meaning of what it truly means to be a baptist.

I chose the name "old paths Baptist" because I want to be identified with the old time way. What it really means to be an old time, Independent, Fundamental Baptist.
To take the bible (KJV) literal. That the bible teaches salvation by grace thru faith for all, not just a few, that come to God thru faith and repentance. That separation from this world is something that we do to please our heavenly father as it is taught in the bible, not according to our personal preference, and not just when it is convenient.

I am, by the grace of God, going to walk in the old paths.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God my brother! I am behind you 100% If I can help you in any way, then just let me know! check out our blog @ also our main site

    Andrew Schank
