Friday, February 26, 2010

A Thirsty Soul

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.
Psalms 42:1

Sad that too many of us cannot identify with this passage of scripture. Most professing "Christians" are too busy chasing after the things of the world to be preoccupied with Jesus. How we rob ourselves of the blessings, fellowship, and power with God when we chase after the things of this world.

What is the purpose of your life, what do you live for? What consumes your thoughts? Is it money, a better position at work, a better education, a new car, house, boat, flat screen television? What drives you from day to day? I know that we have to work to live and provide for our families, but we have gotten to the point where our job and our possession's are what we live for. I know very, very few people who view their jobs as simply a means to live while they serve God. Most church people view service for Christ as something they do every once in a while to soothe their conscience while they live for the temporal pleasures of this life.
Oh we talk a great talk, we know all the word to "oh how I love Jesus", but we don't know the true meaning. How many times in our lives when we come to a decision between taking the will of God by faith, and choosing the easy path, do we choose the latter.

We are faithful to church, read our bibles, even witness occasionally, but do our hearts really long after Him. Is He truly our hearts desire? I don't believe that there are many of us that can say He is. We need to reach the point in our lives where He is our reason for living, where we hunger and thirst for God and His word.