Saturday, January 30, 2010

Spiritual Autism 3

In Part 1 and 2 we looked at several things concerning Spiritual Autism. We look at the cause of autism, we looked at the comparison of autism, how the physical compares to the spiritual. We looked at the conditions of autism, how it affects our Dialog, or Diet, and our Development. But what is the cure for autism, how do we get out of this condition of being spiritually autistic?

Concerning physical autism, it’s not a simple answer. The first thing that we have to do is identify the problem areas. It’s been over two years now since Jennifer and I have know that Tyler is autistic, but we still don’t know exactly what is wrong with him. It may be a yeast build up; it may be Mercury or other heavy metals that are built up in his body. He may have food allergies that we are currently unaware of. He is on a waiting list to see a D.A.N. doctor, (Defeat Autism Now). The wait can be very long, and the visits very expensive.

Tyler’s method of treatment will vary based on his particular needs. Spiritual autism, however, is a little easier to treat. Identifying the problem area is still the first step. What area of our lives have we let slip. Have we just grown cold on the Lord, have we stopped praying, stopped reading our bibles? Have we let some of the sins of the past life slip back into our lives, maybe it’s the wrong kind of music, or watching ungodliness on T.V. We have to identify the area that has caused our lives to become autistic spiritually.
Then, we have to get those things out of our lives that are hindering our walk with God. And pray for others that they don’t fall into this condition of being spiritually autistic.

In part 1 I told you about Tyler’s pediatrician, and how she just could not understand our concerns about autism, she insisted that everything was fine. This lost world that has never come to Christ, that has never experienced salvation, that has never experienced a work of grace in their hearts. They can’t understand our concerns over our brother’s and sister’s in Christ that have fallen into sin. They think that our concerns for them are unwarranted, that they are perfectly normal. There is nothing “normal” about a Child of God living a life of sin. God help us to keep the sin out of our lives, to keep an open line of communication with our heavenly father, and to not develop this condition of being Spiritually Autistic.


  1. Bro Brad... I have been enjoying these posts and comparisons... really great messages. GOD bless!!!

  2. In the beginning, I never thought about looking at autism spiritually, but there really is a comparison! I don't want there to be a "famine of the word of God" in my life. I don't want my heart to be grown over with sins that have either crept in or been let in. I want God to rule and reign in my heart.
