The last three blog updates I gave you four simple reasons why I believe that secular music should not be a part of a bible-believing Christians musical library. We talked about how the music of this world is Satanic, Sensual, Sinful, and Sacrilegious. One only has to do a minimal amount of research to see that these points are true.
But even after looking at all that is wrong with secular music, I would listen to that, before I would listen to CCM, (Contemporary Christian Music). Why?? Because at least they are being honest about what they are singing. They are in it for the money, the sex, the drugs,the fame, and they are not trying to hid that from you. Sad to say that there are a lot of CCM ENTERTAINERS that are in it for the same reason, but under the guise of a "music ministry" for the Lord. Now, having said that let me say this. Not every single CCM PERFORMER is out there for the wrong motives (although most are) but their method is still wrong, no matter what their motives are.
Did you know that there are well over 500 scriptures that talks about music? God is very interested in the music that we sing and listen to.
Eph 5:19 speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
The bible is very clear that the songs that we sing should be Psalms, Hymns, or Spiritual Songs. The music that we sing these songs with should be spiritual, not fleshly.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Just because someone does something under the banner of being Christian, doesn't make it "Christian".
Matthew chapter 7
21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works and in thy name done many wonderful works and in thy name done many wonderful works and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
As I started researching these things I was surprised to find out that Fanny Crosby wrote secular songs before she got saved. After she was saved this is what she had to say about music.
"Sometimes I need to reject the music proposed for my songs because the musicians misunderstand that the Fanny Crosby who once wrote for the people in the saloons has merely changed the lyrics. Oh my no. The church must never sing it's songs to the melodies of the world." (Danny Castle, video "What's Wrong with Christian Rock")
We will not get to the main points of the subject at hand until part 2, but to close out this first update I want to copy and paste an article that I read about the CCM group D.C. Talk. it lays good ground work for the updates that will follow.
"Christian" Rap band D(ecent) C(hristian) Talk are currently at the forefront of another wave of "crossover" in the BILLION dollar-a-year Contemporary Christian Music industry.
Founding member Toby McKeehan says he and the other Talkers aren't in it for the money though:
"We didn't get together to be stars. We share the same call - to use the stage to let people know about Jesus."(1)
At $35,000 per show, that's one expensive stage!(2)
The three members of DC Talk met at Jerry Falwell's Lynchburg, Virginia university in 1987. For those who may not know, Jerry Falwell is perceived to be one of the most conservative Baptist voices in America. Here's what Dr. Jerry thinks of his "boys";
"During Toby, Michael, and Kevin's tenure at Liberty University, it was obvious to me that God had great plans for these three young men and their powerful program."(3)
God's plan must have "misfired" somewhere, because according to Terry Watkins, director of in Alabama, DC Talker Kevin Smith was kicked out of Liberty for a "drinking" problem!(4).
Like many, many "Christian" Rockers before them, DC Talk have had enough of the stuffy confines of the "Christian" music label, and long to break out into the "real" music world;
"Smith, WHO LISTENS MOSTLY TO SECULAR MUSIC, would like to see DC Talk expand its vocabulary. 'NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE ABOUT GOD. We're getting into being able to speak about our personal lives and our public lives, that kind of stuff, without constantly throwing in the church,' he says."(5)
But wait a minute! I thought the original goal was to use the stage to tell people about Jesus. Funny how things change as time goes by, isn't it? This band has now fallen so far, they even open some of their shows by performing the old Beatles' song, "Help". For those who don't remember, the Beatles were atheists, Communists, Christ haters and God mockers. If DC Talk think they're serving God through this kind of music, THEY'RE the ones who need help!
DC Talk's newest release is called "Jesus Freak," and leader Toby McKeehan starts some concerts off by screaming, "WELCOME TO THE FREAK SHOW!"(6)
There's just one problem, Toby. My Lord Jesus Christ is not a "freak." He is the only begotten Son of God (Philippians 2:9-11).
"Jesus Freak" was directed by an Englishman named Simon Maxwell. Here's a little history for DC Talk fans: Maxwell broke into the secular Rock video industry in a big way by directing the "Closer" video for the satanic and vile band, "Nine Inch Nails". (NIN have made a video showing a monkey crucified to a cross). DC Talk WERE WATCHING ONE OF NINE INCH NAILS' VIDEOS, and LIKED Maxwell's style. Their management then contacted Simon Maxwell at the Underground in Los Angeles, and hired him to do the "Jesus Freak" project.(7)
It's also interesting to note that "Nine Inch Nails" singer Trent Renor is producing an album for another Satanic secular band called Marilyn Manson - whose leader is associated with Anton La Vey of the Church of Satan! What a wicked thread ties all these liars together!: La Vey supports Manson, who uses Reznor, who uses Maxwell, who directed the biggest video DC Talk ever ever made.
Your argument is full of anger and hate. You have no facts to back up your claim, except one comment about a D.C. Talk guy having a drinking problem, which, by the way, you didn't prove. I really doesn't matter whether we like it or not. It is not there for our approval. I God is honored, who are we to like or dislike. What about all of the Southern Gospel singers that get involved in alcohol, drugs, sexual immorality on many fronts. Is that better because you like the sound? This type of leagalistic hypocrisy is one of many reasons that the church is crumbling. Instead of posting a diatribe of what you don't like, how about posting about the goodness of God and His ability to forgive despite our failures. That will do more to progress the Kingdom than trying to resolve an axe to grind. And please, don't get on a KJV only kick.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonynous
ReplyDeleteI have no axe's to grind, and my blog was not written in hate or anger. I think that maybe you read it in anger, and in turn associated that attitude with the words that I was writing. It breaks my heart to see all the people that are decieved by this kind of music and see nothing wrong with it. We cannot worship God in the spirit by singing songs that appeal to the flesh. And you are 100% correct about Southern Gospel, I will be posting updates about that style of music when I am done with CCM. I hope that you will search this out yourself with an unbiased opinion. I have done my research, and more "proof" will be coming later. If you have a hard time with me pointing out things that are harmful to the Christian faith, you will have a hard time with the Apostle Paul, because He did it all the time. I hope you will continue to read, and continue to comment, and if you still choose to remain anonymous, that is fine too.
Keep it up! Great info on here. The reason churches are crumbling is because of the very fact of compromise. To reach the world, we must join them. This lie from the Devil is causing believers and churches everywhere to become emotional godless people.