It is painfully obvious that the "new" methods we use are not reaching a lost world for Christ, or motivating Christians to put James 4:8 into practice in their lives. So why do we keep trying more of the same? This is insanity in action. I love Revival meetings, but I'm tired of meeting where no one is stirred, no one is changed. There is nothing wrong with having fun with our youth. Our young people need to know that they can have good clean fun and still live for God, but for many churches their "Youth Program" emphasises nothing but fun and activities. Then, when the Lord is mentioned, He's slipped in quietly at the end. How do we break this cycle? What is it going to take to get the glory back in our churches? There are many verses that we can look at, but one in particular comes to mind.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14
What is the first thing that we must do? Humble ourselves. It's humbling to admit that our programs, our plans, have failed and are failing. It's humbling to admit that we are helpless. Too many times we get lifted up with pride and think that we have a better way than God. But if we're going to have the power of God in our lives and churches, we are going to have to humble ourselves before the Lord and admit that without Him we are helpless!
What's the second thing, prayer. I don't think that I can properly get my burden across right here. Most Christians prayer lives are not even a shadow of what they used to be, what they need to be. I was flipping thru a book on prayer a few months ago. The author said that God understands our busy schedule, and that he doesn't expect us to spend the time in prayer that Saints used to. I disagree with this COMPLETELY! If we are going to have the power of God on our lives, we must frequently visit the prayer closet!
The third thing that we must do is seek God. Are we truly seeking after God? Is HE truly the desire of your heart? When we wake up in the morning, is HE on our minds?
As we go thru our day, do we give HIM any thought at all? Do we go to revivals just to enjoy the singing, so we can shout and have an emotional stirring? (And I believe in shouting). What are you seeking? Be honest with yourself, examine your motives. Are you really seeking after God?
The last thing that we must do, is turn from our wicked ways. We have to turn from those things in our lives that are not pleasing to God. Why do so many people have to have fifty verses on something before they reluctantly give it up? What's the attitude of the average church member? "Well I tell you what, You prove it to me from the Bible, and I'll believe it"!! The truth is that someone with that attitude is not going to change no matter how many verses you show them. Our attitude SHOULD be, "Lord, I'm not sure if this is wrong or right, but I don't want to do anything that would displease you. So I'm not going to do it anymore until you show me different".
The good thing is that if we are doing the first three steps, that fourth one will come automatically! Anyone who vehemently defends their sin, have not humbled themselves, do not have a prayer life, and are not seeking the face of God. No, it won't be easy, but God will give us grace!! Hallelujah!!
When we do these thing, when we start trusting in God instead of the flesh, then we will get the "Revival" back in our revival meetings. Then we will see God work in our youth. God help us, not to trusting in games and gimmicks, but trust in HIM.
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