Everyone knows what the definition of insanity is, right? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. This is something that I think we are guilty of in our Baptist churches. Let me explain myself.
In years gone by we had the power of God in our baptist churches. The people went to church and the glory fell. A revival meeting was a revival in the true sense of the word, people's lives were forever changed. Bars went out of business. Businesses shut down for the meeting, and a three night meeting was unheard of. Churches were growing in size, not shrinking in size. Their young people were not just in church, but active in church. They were excited about living their lives for God. Young men wanted to be called to preach, to go the mission field. The young ladies wanted to be preachers wives, and raise their children for the glory of God.
But what about today, what do we have today? Our revivals are revivals in name only. No one is changed, no one surrenders their life to God, half the people don't even show up. Yes the preaching is Doctrinally sound. It informs us and perhaps even stirs us, and we "Feel" like we have been renewed. Sad to say that our "Renewal" quickly wears off, and within a week or two we are back to our old routine.
Today we have more programs for our young people than you can shake a stick at! We have children's church, Awana, Kings Kids, church baseball, volleyball, basketball, and football teams. Hot dog Sunday, pizza Sunday, ice-cream Sunday...Sunday. And our youth today are leaving the church faster than rats off of a sinking ship.
So where does the insanity come in?
The last revival didn't work, so lets have another meeting. How do we prepare for this one, the same way we prepared for the last one. No prayer, no fasting, no weeping, not really wanting to go, dragging in late and can't wait to get out because we tivo'd our favorite TV MA rated show.
We can't keep youth in our churches, the ball teams aren't working, the clubs aren't working, the ice-cream Sunday... Sunday's aren't working. So what do we do? Add more ball teams, more clubs, more ice-cream.... you get the point! We do more of the same wishing so hard that it will work.
So what works? in part II we will take a look, and try to find that answer.